Info for CHLEW Study Participants

In fall 2019, we began interviewing CHLEW participants for the fifth wave of the CHLEW. For those of you who were recruited in 2010-2012, this is your third interview. The average time between our interviews allows us to understand changes in your health and health behaviors across your lifespans.

The CHLEW is the longest running study of about sexual minority women’s health over time. Because we want to understand how your health changes over time, it is critically important that we include all of you in each round of interviews. Regardless of where you live, how you identify, or the sex/gender of your partner (if you have a partner), we want to interview you! The success of this critically important study is due to your dedication and your support!

To be of greatest help to us please make sure that we have your complete and correct contact information (address, phone numbers, and email address) so that we can reach you to share updates about the study and opportunities to participate in future studies. If you are unsure about whether we have this information, please call the research office at 866-678-5748 (toll free) or e-mail us at We welcome your calls and emails!


Our participants

View a profile of our participants from the interviews completed in 2010-2012.